Gateshead Team Valley

Title:  Locomotive no. 66 "Charles Nelson", crossing Kingsway South, Team Valley, 1968
  Rodgers, Dave
Date:  5/2/1968
Reference Number:  SLRP0020
Looking north near 11th Avenue.


Title:  Close House Farm, Coach Road, Team Valley, 1971
Photographer:  Manders, Frank
Date:  13/5/1971
Reference Number:  GL001334

Title:  Farnacres Cottages, Teams, 1950s
Photographer:  Gateshead Post
Date:  Date Unknown
Reference Number:  GL003709
Item Description:  This terrace was probably named for the Farnacres Colliery which was situated nearby. The colliery was sunk around 1840 and closed in the early 1930s. We believe that Farnacres Terrace was situated in the Festival Park area of the Teams, just north of Norwood Road. The photograph shows the terrace looking east with what is thought to be Liddell Place in the background.

Title:  Anglo Scottish Tool Company Ltd. Team Valley
Photographer:  Unknown
Date:  Unknown
Reference Number:  LS000663

Sample Photographs of Gateshead Team Valley brought to you by

     The Felling Heritage Group
