This is just a smattering of Oakwellgate pics. To see them all, type Oakwellgate into the search bar here
Title: Oakwellgate and the Crystal Palace Public House, Gateshead
Photographer: Unknown Date: 1960 Reference Number: GL004560
This photograph shows Oakwellgate looking
north through the railway bridge towards St. Mary's Church. The church
can just been seen background left. On the right through the archway is
where the Sage Gateshead now stands. Foreground right is the Crystal
Palace public house.
Oakwellgate was one of the oldest streets in Gateshead situated at
the heart of the old parish which sprung up around St. Mary's Church.
The first Town Hall was located there until 1870 when a new hall was
erected on West Street. It was also home to the borough's first bath
house which opened in 1855.
Title: Oakwellgate Baths, Gateshead, 1971
Photographer: Manders, Frank
Date: 27/3/1971
Reference Number: GL001356
Here in 1971, long after it was Baths, it was the registered office of Gill & Nicholson, Shopfitters, who went into liquidation in 1978
Oakwellgate Public baths was built between 1853 - 1854
Title: Oakwellgate Public Baths c.1970
Photographer: Unknown
Date: C.1970
Reference Number: LS000180
This was primarily for taking a bath rather than for swimming

Title: Oakwellgate Rectory, Gateshead, c1886
Photographer: Dodds, Edwin
Date: C 1886
Reference Number: GL000304
This building is the former rectory of St. Mary's Church, Gateshead. Described as late as 1834 as being 'a commodius house, with gardens, and commands a fine view towards the river' (Mackenzie and Ross, 1834, p89), the rectory was soon surrounded by industrial development (note the gasometer pictured behind the house) and was abandoned for a new buiding in Bensham in 1839 (Manders 1973, p138). Part of the building was subsequently used as a public house called the Brandling Arms, and later as the first Co-op store in 1861-3. By the 1880s it was a muniment store for the North East Railway, and then as gas and water offices for the company. It was mostly demolished in 1914. This is one of the only surviving images of the building in existence. The Sage Gateshead and grounds now stands on the site.
The position of the building can be seen on the 1858 County Series Ordnance Survey Map of Gateshead in the Rectors Fields. It is marked as both the 'Brandling Arms P.H.' and the 'Old Rectory' by this date.
1850 Ordnance Survey Map.The Old Rectory...Brandling Arms pub shown on map in Rector's Field. See also Baths and Wash Houses
(Gateshead Library has large collection of OS Maps which you can photograph

Oakwellgate, Gateshead
Photographer: Unknown
Date: Date Unknown
Reference Number: GL001635

Oakwellgate/Brandling Street, Gateshead
Photographer: Manders, Frank, Author
Date: 27/3/1971
Reference Number: GL001633

Title: Rear Of 17 Dun Cow Yard, Between High Street & Oakwellgate, Gateshead
Photographer: Frank & Sons
Reference Number: GL002913
Item Description: There were many inns on Gateshead High Street. Drinking was a popular pastime especially amongst workers who worked long hours in hot, dry and dusty conditions. Because there were very few public meeting places in Gateshead, inns were also used as venues for meetings, business and by many clubs and societies.
Swinburne & Co. ran many of the inns on Gateshead High Street. These included the Dun Cow Inn, the Atlas Inn, the Central Hotel, Half Moon Inn, Metropole Hotel and William IV Inn amongst others.

Title: Rear of 24-32 Garden Street, Oakwellgate,Gateshead
Photographer: Unknown
Date: Date unknown
Reference Number: GL003796

Title: Rear of 3-13 Garden Street, Oakwellgate,Gateshead
Photographer: Unknown
Date: Date unknown
Reference Number: GL003795
That's the railway on the right
Old Photographs of Oakwellgate brought to you by
The Felling Heritage Group